Well, it is a beautiful day today (after a fairly wavy night), so we went out snorkeling this morning before the crowds showed up. We found a good place to snorkel with quite a few fish of different colors, many in schools, nice coral, fans, etc. Chris even saw an eel. I took the GoPro along and was videoing the whole time.
We then went to the designated turtle location and actually saw some turtles. All eating the grass on the bottom in about 10 feet of water. You could just float above them and shoot video and they ignored you. There were also a lot of really nice star fish in this area. I was looking for rays, but didn’t see any – but when Chris got back to the dinghy she said she saw a ray and a lobster.
So I got back to my laptop and connected the GoPro to download the video – and no video. I think I forgot to click the “take video” button. The GoPro was on the entire time, just not recording.
So, instead, I posted a pic of a square-rigger cruise ship. They came in this morning and anchored a little ways away and have been ferrying people into the small island all day – “mask-up” everyone, even on the ferry.
The second pic is of the island. They have lobster BBQ here nightly. Don’t know if we’ll go – probably not if it is going to include a bunch of cruise passengers – yuck.
So we’ll have to go out again to get video – hopefully later today or tomorrow.