Anse de Colombier Harbor, St. Barths

This harbor is on the northwest end of St. Barth’s and is part of the natural marine reserve. The only dwelling is the old abandoned home of David Rockefeller on the peninsula on the south side. If you’re staying in close to the beach, you have to pick up a mooring ball so you don’t disturb the seabed. St. Barth’s is trying to get the sea grass to regrow on the seabed so that turtles will readily make the harbor a stop on their feeding tour. You can anchor out in deeper water if you want or if you are a superyacht.

We stayed here several years ago when we chartered out of St. Martin. This time it was much more crowded with several superyachts and some people staying up until 5 AM playing music loudly from their moored boats. Quite annoying.

Anyway, after those rude people left, it is a nice place. Good snorkeling, daily turtle sightings off the back of the boat, and a nice little hiking trail to the top of the bluff if you’re so inclined.

You can also take the dinghy the mile-plus drive down the coast into Gustavia to check in at immigration, get supplies, and pretend that you’re hanging out with the rich and famous. The dinghy ride down the coast can get pretty rough at times and there is one pass that is quite shallow and wavy, so make sure you hold onto your groceries.

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