After taking care of everything on the boat and in the customs office, we called our taxi driver, who picked us up and drove us to the top of the ladder trail. “The ladder” is a set of 800 steps rising up from the shore to the road. About half way up there is a customs house. This is how everyone had to check into the island many years ago. This is also how items were brought by boat onto the island. We hiked down to the customs house and had lunch. The view from there were beautiful, as it overlooked the water.
The path itself was made out of stone stairs. They were in very good condition. There were just a lot of them. After we walked up to “the road,” we had to go up a steep incline, just to get to “The Bottom.” Along the way, we saw our taxi driver. He convinced us to hop in his taxi and he drove us to “Windward.” Along the way, he stopped and we visited a charming Catholic Church located in the middle of “The Bottom.”
He told us a terrible, but funny story. He said that in the olden days, the doctors on the island were not very good. Sometimes people would be in a coma and the doctors would declare them to be dead. So, they would be buried by putting a board over the hole and the placing rocks on top of the board. Well, apparently some guy woke up from a coma and started knocking on the board, trying to get out. The people burying them thought that some demons were trying to get out, so they hurried to put more rocks on top of the board. It is horrible to think about this, but is is also a little funny.