Thursday was a calm weather day which meant it was a good day to travel. While we stayed in the Rodney Bay marina longer than we had originally planned, we had a great time there. Our boat was tied up on the end of “G” dock. This meant we had a great view of the channel, super yacht dock, and the many restaurants in the marina. We met some great new friends and reconnected with people we had met last year.
Monday through Saturday a couple runs a cruiser’s net at 8a. We tried to listen in on our vhf radio every day to see what was happening on the island as well as in the marina.
After roughly three weeks in St. Lucia, it was time to move on to the next island in the chain, Martinique. Every time we enter a new country, we need to clear customs. The restaurant in this picture had a customs computer in a side room and we cleared in there. Fun Fact: Before sailing, we never knew that the French have a different placement of letters on their keyboards. It makes typing a challenge.