Sunset in Anse Cachon, St. Lucia

At sunrise, fishermen are all over Anse Cachon. They have 3-5 people in a narrow, long, wooden boat with an outboard. They use palm fronds to hit the water, then they have one guy with a snorkel hop in the water and scout for fish. If that spotter gives a positive indication, they throw in a big net and circle the area with the boat. Then they get everyone in the boat to drag in the net. There is one guy in the boat whose entire job is to bail while all this is going on. It looked to me like the guy driving the outboard was in charge and the bailer was at the bottom of the rung (trainee).

Every morning we would see at least 3 crews go through the area. They ignore the anchored yachts and it is interesting to watch. I assume this practice is as old as inhabitants have been on the island (except for the outboard and the plastic mask/snorkel).

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