On the way to St. Martin.

This is a shot off the back of the boat during our 15 hour drive from the BVIs to St. Martin.  Waves were probably 5 feet that day and we were motoring directly into the wind the entire way.  We were on a pretty tight schedule because I wanted to arrive in St. Martin before sunset so that I didn’t have to anchor in the dark and so that we could pick up Sydney before dark.

I remember calculating our time-of-arrival based on our speed and location throughout the day and determining about noon that we were running a little late.  We were already running the engines at the designated max RPM, but I decided I had to run them even faster to get there on time.  I’ve been told our brand of engines like to be run hard, so I’m hoping the rumor is true.

While the trip wasn’t a lot of work – turn the engines on, set the auto-pilot, and just hang out – it was 15 hours of a lot of pounding, which gets old after a while.  Chris was seasick and laying down for most of the trip.

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